
Monday, May 6, 2024

A Busy Day Yesterday

Yes, we were pretty busy yesterday. By ‘We’ I mean, the members of the SFV Vedic Chanting Group. First, we attended the Extra Ordinary General meeting on the dot, not excluding a learning session on GST.

Unfortunately, we could not stay till the end as we had to attend a concluding ceremony at our friend’s place in Alder. Mr Radhakrishnan lost his wife in their retirement home near Coimbatore. He is here for the obsequies. To him probably goes the credit of having started the WhatsApp group, Daily SFV Sr Citizen, which is going strong.

Though the loss of one’s beloved after long years of togetherness is irreparable, we were somewhat relieved to see some smile on Radhakrishnan’s face when he saw the full strength of his “TVS group” in attendance for the bereavement. One among them, known to me, took out the wallet from his pocket and showed me his black and white marriage photo where most of them, now septuagenarians or octogenarians, were found sporting burly hair, bell-bottom pants and sideburns. He explained who is who among those present now, occasionally lowering his voice to say, “he has since become dearer to God,’ and so on. Part of life.

The lunch at the Subhasweekaram was entrusted to the priest’s brother. Once again, he proved he is here to stay in business. Kudos.

It was time to go home for a power nap before we assembled to chant Rudram, Chamakam and suktams in the evening since it was Pradosham yesterday.

For the uninitiated, Pradosham is connected with Lord Shiva. If what someone clarified to me is correct, it is on this day that Lord Shiva does his Thandavam to appease Parvathi whom he had displeased on some count. So, all the Gods and the entire devalokam would wait with awe to watch this performance.  Precisely why it is auspicious between 4.30 and 5.30 pm

Normally we hold our chanting sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Pradosham days – 10 days a month in members’ house in alphabetic order. This time, as on a few earlier occasions, a co-resident had requested us to perform it in his house. 

He is Gururaj Sastry, in Pine block. Yes, the same tall, sober, pious looking person who doesn’t miss his morning walks, sun or rain. He was in Delhi for years with a leading national daily when he chose to retire and settle down in Bangalore. But alas, someone from the media got a scent of it and grabbed him. There he is, back to work again – this time as a consultant for a South-based group.  

Aside the chanting group, Gururaj had invited his friends and relatives – a house-full attendance, to be precise. So, it became imperative for the Group to perform well. And so we did - to the best of our poor ability. 

Nice to see that he has done up his house very well after he bought it some time ago, what with an airconditioner in the hall, intricately carved dasavataram (on rosewood?) decorating the wall…

At the end of the chant Gururaj asked us if he could serve prasadam on plates. “We would prefer if you can pack them,’ I clarified. “After all, someone is waiting at home; if not for us, for the parcel we carry.” 

Tell me, wouldn’t you agree that in being busy we are only a shade less than Modi ji? That is a different thing that at each event, he looks fresh as though he had just returned from a month-long vacation, and we, having just finished a marathon.

I don’t particularly recollect who said that it is the busiest man who finds time for everything.  We may not be so every day. But we were, yesterday.

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