
Saturday, June 7, 2014

Time-pass Roundup

Kudos to Rajee, Sreedhar et al, for completing 10 years in Srishti. I wish I were in this elite club. But alas it will take me a couple of years by ownership, and a little more by physical presence. By then they will be on the threshold of another milestone.  Anyway, it is time they did a SWOT analysis on their decade-long stay - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Given the floor, with my in-and-out record in Srishti, I would venture the extended family spirit as our Strength, or USP. The Weakness?  I can’t guess, but may be the lacklustre response to Association’s calls on a few aesthetic measures. As for Opportunities, perhaps sky is the limit. Threats? The building being surrounded by garbage on the North, South and West might stay atop. While all three sides serve liberally as urinal as well, the South has an edge - of being used for open defecation.

On a lighter note, it is back to school now. Once again vibrant ambience makes up for the monotonous morning walk. Children hurry to the bus stop as mothers catch up carrying heavy-duty backpacks, and fathers rush to hand them lunchbox or homework-notebook left behind. One extra-cautious father accompanies his son to the gate with car-key ready in his pocket, should he miss the bus. If you find the lift gets stuck at one floor at this time, it is not a display of the lift’s resentment for delaying its retirement plans. Some thoughtful parent has held it up for his offspring to enjoy his last breakfast bite before rushing out of home.

Speaking of lifts, yes, these are being replaced. A Block, with its sheer alphabetic superiority, gets its turn first on everything. Work on dismantling one of its lifts began two days back without much fanfare. B Block believes in ‘count your blessings’. It basks on being able to wait and watch.

By design or otherwise, two of my senior friends in A and B blocks head for UK and US this month to spend quality time with sons and grandchildren. No names please, just a clue. Both are Asthana Vidwans (accredited artists) of Srishti in their own musical instruments. While we will miss them, they will have the last laugh, that they liberate themselves from the lift-replacement ordeal. A pair of new lifts to choose from, hopefully with new tunes, will usher them into their Home Sweet Home on return.

V.V. Sundaram
06 June 2014

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